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Predator Free 2050

Aotearoa New Zealand is home to many unique and ancient species of birds, frogs, lizards and plants. Many of our species are found nowhere else on Earth and this isolation makes them vulnerable to introduced predators such as rats, stoats and possums. 

Making NZ predator free by 2050 will allow our native wildlife to flourish once more. 

The Predator Free 2050 mission is focused on the complete removal of five predators: rats, stoats, ferrets, weasels and possums. Other introduced predators such as hedgehogs and feral cats also have an impact on our native flora and fauna.

Predator Free 2050 has already been a catalyst for action. Individuals, hapū, families and communities have been quick to embrace the goal.

Contact Us

Office: 752 Christchurch Akaroa Highway, Tai Tapu 
Postal Address: PO Box 146, Tai Tapu, 7645, Christchurch, NZ 
Phone: +64 (03) 3296340

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