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Welcome to Pest Free Banks Peninsula!

Our job is to remove pests from Banks Peninsula so that our precious native plants and animals can thrive. 

We are a people-powered partnership – our work is led by the community, and supported by local, central and regional government, iwi and runanga, and 20 community-based conservation organisations. 

What’s our why? 

Introduced pests are a major threat to biodiversity on Banks Peninsula. They are ‘unwanted guests’ who move in and trash our native species’ habitats and help themselves to their food sources. 

Left unchecked, they have the potential to destroy the very special, often rare, and unique biodiversity of Banks Peninsula.  

And it’s not just the birds, animals and bush that will suffer. Introduced pests destroy farm environments, and they make places less appealing for tourism, recreation, social and cultural use.  

Together, we’ll make our Peninsula pest free.  

Making Banks Peninsula pest free is an ambitious and aspirational goal.

We work in a living landscape.  Much of the land is privately owned and we need to work with every single landowner – this is a social project as much as a technical challenge.  Ensuring that we work with landowners, iwi and communities is a core part of our work. 

You can be part of our sustainability and our success. Find out more by travelling around our website. We hope it’ll inspire you to find your ‘why’ and help us achieve a Pest Free BP! 

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Pest Free Banks Peninsula is powered by the Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust 

Contact Us

Office: 752 Christchurch Akaroa Highway, Tai Tapu 
Postal Address: PO Box 146, Tai Tapu, 7645, Christchurch, NZ 
Phone: +64 (03) 3296340

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